Welcome to the official website of ARGO-A, the recognized European leader in the field of psychophysiological lie detection.

ARGO-A is a privately owned lie detection firm that operates in three primary business segments pertaining to the psychophysiological detection of deception:
- → conducts polygraph examinations
- → distributes computerized polygraphs
- → provides polygraph examiner training
Dr. Andriy Volyk has administered thousands of polygraph examinations for law enforcement agencies, private companies, and private citizens from various countries. His list of tested private subjects includes citizens of: Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Romania, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Czech Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Cyprus, Monaco, Turkey, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Lebanon, Syria, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, Greece, China, North Korea, South Korea, Egypt, South Africa, France, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, Mexico, Israel, USA, Spain, Palestine, Ghana, Algeria, Nigeria, Slovakia, Belgium, Netherlands, Zimbabwe, Malaysia, Philippines, Tunisia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Congo (DRC), Ecuador, North Macedonia, India, Great Britain, Canada, etc.
As the main character of books and the media’s favorite polygraph examiner for many years, Dr. Andriy Volyk has gained celebrity status in Ukraine testing famous people and politicians for popular Ukrainian television shows, such as “Only Truth” and “Love for Survival” (TV Channel “Novy”), “Lie Detector”, “My Beloved, We Murder Children”, “Save Our Family”, “Battle of Psychics”, and “Weighted and Happy” (TV channel “STB”), “In Black and White” (TV Channel “1+1”), “Facts of the Week” and “Galileo” (TV channel “ICTV”), as well as participating in other programs on well known Ukrainian and foreign TV channels, including: STB, ICTV, Tonis, First National/UT-1, K1, MAXXI TV, NTN, UBR, 24, First Business, Pravo TV, Pryamiy, UBC, City, M1, TVI, Channel 4, Channel 5, TRK Kiev, TRK Ukraine, National Television of Belarus, First National Channel (Belarus), Imedi TV (Georgia), Region TV (Georgia), Nova Television (Bulgaria), ATV (Russia), O2TV (Russia), RTR (Russia), ORT (Russia), 1+1, Inter, MTV, VICE TV (USA), HBO (USA) to name a few.
Millions of radio listeners have heard Dr. Volyk’s voice on: Radio Freedom, Radio-Era, Simply Radio, Voice of Kiev, Russian Radio, and BBC to name a few, and his sagacious comments on the subject of the polygraph (lie detection) have been read by tens of millions of readers on the pages of numerous magazines, newspapers, and internet publications; among which must be noted Mirror of the Week, Focus, Contracts, Marketing Mix, Business & Security, Gazette a la Kiev, Power of Money, History of Successful Businesses and People, Truth, Status, Facts, New, Ukrainian Truth, Ukraine’s Youth, Journal and Courier (USA), Kyiv Post, PCWEEK Ukrainian Edition, General Director, Khreshchatik, Economic News, Invest Gazette, Voice of Ukraine, Correspondent, Commerce Man, Today, etc. Furthermore, Dr. Andriy Volyk’s name is often seen in the messages of the leading information agencies, such as UNIAN, ITAR-TASS, and others. To a large extent, thanks to Dr. Andriy Volyk, terms such as lie detector, polygraph, polygraph examiner, lie detection, polygraph test and others have become common and are used on a daily basis by Ukrainians nationwide.
Dr. Volyk has conducted polygraph exams for TV shows and films on numerous politicians, stars, and celebrities, including: Laima Vaikule, Sergey Zverev, Dmitriy Gordon, Egor Benkendorf, Svetlana Loboda, rapper Seryoga, Michail Brodskiy, Konstantin Stogniy, Victor Pavlik, Petya Listerman, Valeriy Harchishin, Dmitriy Shepelev, Arina Domski, Django, Yuriy Falesa, Margarita Sichkar, Evgeniy Zaharov, Monro, duo Alibi, Alexei Zalevskiy, attorney Alexei Reznikov, Vasilisa Frolova, Svetlana Vol’nova, Elena Shoptenko, Maya Migal, Anna Filimonova, Gennadiy Viter, singer Elizabeth, Carolina Ashion, Olga Tsibul’skaya, Alexander Pedan, Dyadya Zhora, Andrey Domanskiy, Vitaliy Galai, Igor Pelyh, Anatoliy Borsiuk, singer Lama, radio anchor Nikolai Matrosov, TV anchor Ruslan Senichkin, TV anchor Oksana Gutseit, Alexander Filatovich, Alexei Vertinskiy, Olga Polyakova, Boris Aprel, Ivan Dorn, Anton Frindlyand, Irena Karpa, Natalia Karpa, Ekaterina Nesterenko, Evgeniy Kazantsev, Sergey Ozeryanskiy, Yuliya Aisina, Alisa Tarabarova, Mark Savin, Vladimir Dantes, singer DIAR, Alexander Ostanin, Mariam Turkmenbaeva, Larisa Shalyapina (Kopenkina), band “Quest Pistols», Larson, Evgeniya Vlasova, Vlada Litovchenko, Valid Arfush, Ruslana Pysanka, Vladislav Yama, Nikolai Tomenko, and Olga Sumskaya to name a few.
It is not by accident that people call Dr. Volyk “The lie detector man”, and professionals call him “The father of Ukrainian polygraphy (lie detection)”.
ARGO-A provides professional polygraph services (polygraph examinations) to private businesses, private citizens, and government agencies and organizations. Our services are aimed at improving our clients' security, security and profitability of their businesses, and the quality of their personal lives. We accomplish this by conducting pre-employment, periodic, and special polygraph (lie detector) evaluations of individuals.
ARGO-A is the authorized representative of Lafayette Instrument Company polygraphs in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and a number of other countries. Lafayette Instrument Company, located in Lafayette (Indiana, USA), has been manufacturing polygraphs since the 1950's and is the global leader in the manufacture and sale of polygraphs.
In 1973 Lafayette Instrument Company revolutionized the lie detection market by producing the first polygraph system in the world that embodied the wishes of all polygraph examiners, the PGS. In 2007 Lafayette Instrument Company invented the first wireless computerized polygraph in the world, the LX5KM-SW, and in 2008 developed an ultramodern portable lie detector for the Pentagon, the PCASS. Lafayette Instrument Company’s computerized polygraph LX4000-SW is the most popular and reliable lie detector on the planet. The LX4000-SW is a lie detection legend, which can be compared with the AK-47, synonymous with high quality, dependability, and ease-of-use. At the end of 2010 Lafayette Instrument Company launched its new polygraph model LX5000-SW. Polygraph experts believe that this nine-channel super-sophisticated computerized polygraph is destined to become a new AK-47 of deception detection.
Computerized polygraphs LX4000-SW and LX5000-SW work with the LX Computerized Polygraph Software, model LXSoftware. The recently unveiled LXSoftware version is, according to the world's leading polygraph examiners, the most cutting-edge software on the modern polygraph market today. Thanks to the LXSoftware, Lafayette Instrument Company polygraphs do not have equals with respect to precision, reliability, flexibility and user-friendliness. Furthermore, Lafayette Instrument Company leads the creation of sophisticated and valid scoring algorithms under the stewardship of its experienced scientist-polygraph examiner, dubbed by the experts "the future of lie detection".
Lafayette Instrument Company polygraph instrumentation is accredited by the leading international polygraph associations and is preferred by polygraph examiners from the nearly 90 countries using polygraphs. The company's global polygraph market share is approximately 90 percent. ARGO-A is Lafayette Instrument Company's No. 1 polygraph dealer in Europe and No. 3 polygraph dealer internationally.
ARGO-A is also authorized in Ukraine and countries of the former USSR to sell scientific and medical equipment made by Lafayette Instrument Company (LIC) and the companies LIC owns – Acumar, Campden Instruments Ltd., and Mindware Technologies Ltd. Since 1947, Lafayette Instrument Company has provided laboratory instrumentation that has been the foundation of scientific literature in the fields of physiology (ANS/CNS), biofeedback, psychomotor, motor behavior, timing, cognitive evaluation, general psychology, behavioral sciences, and the neurosciences. Lafayette Instrument Company is proud of its pioneer status in the development of these disciplines.
ARGO-A prepares highly skilled, methodically competent polygraph examiners in Kiev, Ukraine, and other European countries, as well as in Asia and Africa, exclusively representing the Chicago Polygraph Institute (Chicago, USA) in these regions. Chicago Polygraph Institute is an accredited institution offering comprehensive polygraph examiner training to the private, public, and law enforcement sectors around the world.
ARGO-A is the exclusive representative in Europe, Africa, and Asia of Argo-A Security LLC (USA) – a multinational company (member of the Indiana SWAT Officers Association) providing a wide range of the most advanced and effective security products and services available for government agencies, law enforcement, commercial enterprises, and high-profile individuals. ARGO-A, Chicago Polygraph Institute and Argo-A Security offer integrated and comprehensive security solutions to their clients around the world.
ARGO-A employs the highest quality personnel. Dr. Andriy Volyk is the founder and director of ARGO-A and an internationally trained and accredited polygraph examiner. Dr. Volyk holds a degree in lie detection from the Arizona School of Polygraph Science (Phoenix, Arizona, USA). This famous school is one of only twenty-eight polygraph schools in the world accredited by the prestigious American Polygraph Association (APA). Dr. Volyk became the first Ukrainian graduate of the Arizona School of Polygraph Science. In addition, Dr. Andriy Volyk is Ukraine's first graduate of the Indiana Polygraph Institute and the Chicago Polygraph Institute. Dr. Volyk holds a PhD in Economics from the Institute of Agrarian Economics (Kiev, Ukraine). He studied for approximately one year at the highly ranked Purdue University located in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
Dr. Andriy Volyk is the first active member (Associate Member) of the American Polygraph Association (APA) from Ukraine. The APA is the most famous and renowned international polygraph association, with high moral and professional requirements for its members. Founded in 1966, the APA is the oldest and the largest professional polygraph association in the world, counting over 2600 members in 32 countries.
Furthermore, Dr. Volyk is President of the International League of Polygraph Examiners (ILPE) – an international professional association of polygraph specialists representing the private, law enforcement, and government sectors worldwide.
Polygraph examiner, Oleksandr Volyk, MS, MBA, is the first Ukrainian graduate of the world renowned Maryland Institute of Criminal Justice (MICJ), located near Washington D.C. – the capital city of the United States of America. This institute, established in 1971, has been accredited by the American Polygraph Association for over 20 years. Mr. Volyk studied under the tutelage of Mr. Billy H. Thompson – the founder and director of MICJ, a remarkable polygraph examiner with nearly 60 years of professional experience.
Mr. Oleksandr Volyk has worked in the field of lie detection since 1997 and is a member of the ILPE, and is an Associate Member of the APA. Mr. Oleksandr Volyk has earned two master's degrees from Purdue University: Master of Science in Agricultural Economics and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the elite Krannert School of Management.
Upon completion of their degrees at U.S. polygraph schools, Dr. Andrii Volyk and Oleksandr Volyk underwent a comprehensive training course on computerized polygraphs at Lafayette Instrument Company. Dr. Andrii Volyk and Oleksandr Volyk have been employed by several prominent national and international companies, and possess extensive professional experience. They are fluent in Ukrainian, English, Spanish, French and Russian. Both polygraphists are Honored Citizens of two American cities – Lafayette and West Lafayette.
ARGO-A specialists are private polygraph examiners, who are not employees of any government or police agency; thus the privacy of individuals, companies, and institutions is not compromised. ARGO-A provides discreet and confidential testing for clients whilst remaining independent, impartial, and objective. ARGO-A maintains the highest standards of moral and ethical professional conduct complying with the International League of Polygraph Examiners (ILPE) Code of Ethics, the American Polygraph Association (APA) Code of Ethics, and the ILPE Standards of Practice, and the APA Standards of Practice.
ARGO-A also possesses the most extensive polygraph library in Europe. The ARGO-A library, established in 1997, has approximately one thousand (1000) titles of books, brochures, catalogs, periodicals, scientific papers, statistical data and video materials predominantly in the English language. This is impressive not just by Ukrainian standards, considering the relatively confidential nature of the lie detection field and a rather limited choice of polygraph literature around the world.
The ARGO-A library contains a number of rare, collectible books, among which are: "Lying and Its Detection" (1932) by Dr. John A. Larson – the lie detector/polygraph inventor; "Lie Detection and Criminal Interrogation" (1953) by Fred E. Inbau and John E. Reid – prominent American, world-class, polygraph examiners and interrogators. Several books contain authors' autographs, among which the most valuable are: "The Lie Detector Test" (1938) by Dr. William Moulton Marston – a key figure in polygraph development; "The Lie Detector Man" (1984) by Eloise Keeler – sister of Leonarde Keeler - the father of the modern polygraph.
ARGO-A has the best collection of ink, thermal, and computerized polygraphs and lie detectors of different generations and brands in the world. The collection includes historic polygraphs manufactured by Lafayette Instrument Company, Stoelting, Associated Research, B&W Associates, Thompson-Metrigraph Instrument Company and others.
In addition, ARGO-A owns the largest polygraph photo gallery in the world, consisting of images of polygraphs, polygraph examiners, scientists, businessmen, law enforcement personnel, making significant contributions in the development of the instrumental psychophysiological deception detection. Among these individuals are: John Larson, William Marston, August Vollmer, Leonarde Keeler, John Reid, Fred Inbau, Angelo Mosso, Marie Gabriel Romain Vigouroux, Ivan Tarkhanov, Alexander Luria, Boris Sidis, Cesare Lombroso, Vittorio Benussi, Cleve Backster, Max Wastl and others.
The ARGO-A polygraph photo gallery also includes posters of famous Hollywood films and original photos of Hollywood actors, “undergoing polygraph examination” in movies, in which the lie detector (polygraph) was used. In addition, the ARGO-A polygraph photo gallery includes originals and copies of images of well-known criminals, politicians, captured by photographers working for major magazines and newspapers during high profile polygraph tests. ARGO-A's library, photo gallery, and polygraph collection continue to expand.
ARGO-A strives to maintain its position as Europe’s leader in lie detection. In order to succeed in a dynamic business environment we employ analytical techniques to identify and review new market trends, and, then, respond to these trends in a timely and effective manner. Our ability to respond to new trends has allowed us to maintain a competitive advantage and a leading position in the lie detection market. While polygraphy is currently the best-established method of lie detection, we monitor new promising neuroscience-based lie detection technologies, emerging principally from American universities. Presently, there are several neuroscience technologies for the purpose of lie detection (e.g. fMRI, near infra-red spectroscopy, periorbital thermography) deserving attention, which are under development but have not yet been proven reliable.
In order to identify the latest developments, discoveries, findings, and breakthroughs in the field of lie detection and integrate new reliable technologies in our range of products and services, we have forged a strategic partnership with an American neuroscientist, Elyse M. Swoverland. Ms. Swoverland earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Behavioral Neuroscience, from the Department of Psychological Sciences at Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana, USA). Purdue University ranks 19th among 8000 of the world’s best universities (www.webometrics.info). Furthermore, in the most recent ranking by the National Research Council, Purdue’s Department of Psychological Sciences was placed among the top 25 percent of psychology departments in the nation's major colleges and universities. New neuroscience-based lie detection technologies emerge primarily from prominent American universities, therefore, we are excited about Elyse M. Swoverland pursuing her doctoral degree (PhD) in neuroscience. We have known Ms. Swoverland for many years and look forward to our long-term collaboration and benefiting from her consultations and professional insight into the future of scientific lie detection.
Thank you for your interest in our services and products. Our goal is to improve your personal security, the quality of your personal life and the security and profitability of your business.
We hope that our collaboration results in our mutual success.